Another reason for attaching a timestamp by the recipient may be the very need to maintain current digital continuity which is the subject of this entire series From this point of view it is important how long it will be possible to verify the validity of the seal on the described document by those services or tools that do not mind the abovementioned shortcomingsTherefore lets analyze in more detail the example from todays first picture from .
Žamberk What is important about him is that his seal is based on a qualified certificate Indonesia WhatsApp Number Data with a valid period of validity until 222 This can be seen in todays first picture and it also follows from the explicit note from the SecuSign service in the previous picture The document can be accepted for longterm storage only until 222 Until May 22 there is still quite a long time which is due to the use of a threeyear certificate with a proper validity period of three years.
But in practice this way you can get a signature or seal without a time stamp based on a certificate that has only a few days or even hours left until the end of its regular validity periodSo what is the easiest way to add an additional timestamp as well as the necessary revocation information for later verification In other words how do you go from level B to a higher level Either T only with time stamp but better LT with stamp and revocation information.