Everyone is a product manager and based on this build excellent or even outstanding products one after another to truly change the world Five axiomlevel product methodologies and their descendants Based on the study thinking application reflection and summary of my predecessors Yu Jun Ma Huateng Du Guoying Shen Peng Liu Run Lei Jun etc I tried to summarize the five axioms of product managers and several submethodologies to draw out ideas Hope it is of value to you Methodology PM is the user first perspective Method Cater to users not change them Methodology
The demand is the solution is is valuable only when there is a in front of it otherwise will always be Submethodology Discover needs rather than create needs applicable when defining needs and Europe Cell Phone Number List product opportunities Submethodology No scenarios no needs suitable for communicating needs and identifying authenticity Submethodology Demand value new value old value replacement cost applicable to reconstruction and transformation of new functions Submethodology Product value
user value customer value business value user emotional value customer emotional value service cost applicable to value measurement of Bend products Submethodology Product value Product value User value Business value Emotional value x applicable to value measurement of Cend products This article was originally published on Everyone is a Product Manager Reprinting without permission is prohibited The title picture comes from Unsplash based on the CC agreement The opinions in this article represent only the authors own The Renren Product Manager platform only provides information storage space services Appreciate collect like For more exciting content please follow .