How much you spend on advertising
Content optimization. You can analyze its content marketing and identify its best pages. Social: Your competitor likely has a strong social media presence and an engaged audience. It might be a good idea to study which platforms they use the most. Paid: Your competitor probably has a significant advertising budget, especially for paid searches. You can find out what keywords they are bidding on and analyze the content of their ads. With Market Explorer's Benchmarking report.You can compare the traffic generation and social media distribution Jiangxi Mobile Number List strategies of five sites and compare those strategies to those of the market as a whole. Market Explorer, Traffic Generation Strategy & Social Media Distribution Strategy If you are studying more than four competitors, you can repeat this process for each of them. Next, analyze their ad placement. This can tell you more about using the above distribution channels to reach their audience. This point is crucial for online marketing because it has an impact on.
The amount of traffic you are able to generate How effectively you target your audience how familiar your potential audience is with your brand You can discover your competitor's ad placement by returning to Traffic Analytics and viewing the Traffic Journey Details report. Select “Referral” to discover which websites are sending traffic to your competitor. Sites that send a lot of traffic to your competitor can be a good place to advertise. Traffic Analytics – Traffic Journey Details.